It does not seem possible, but another year has passed for
the Lower Altamaha Historical Society and attendance at our outstanding programs
has rebounded after a slight drop early in the year. Our July 2005 annual picnic
is being planned and other great programs are scheduled.
A major development for 2004-2005 was the new website
designed and maintained by one of our members, Jim Bruce. If you have not seen
this excellent companion to Altamaha Echoes, our premier monthly newsletter
edited by Myrtle Newberry, simply copy and paste our URL on your browser:
"A Visit to Seabrook" was an exceptional experience for those
who were lucky enough to sign up. We are hopeful that we might be able to book a
day trip to one of the barrier islands later this year.
A number of our members, volunteering as painters,
represented LAHS during the completion of the Tom Chambers Memorial Habitat for
Humanity House.
Bill Ramsaur, a member from St. Simons Island is President of
the Marshes of Glynn Chapter of the Sons of the Revolution. Bill and Jerry
Braddock of Charleston, made a presentation to LAHS: "A Great Day for the
Georgia Navy". This exceptional program was the prelude for the dedication
ceremony for a historical marker, "The Georgia Navy" solemnized on April 19,
2005 at Fort Frederica National Monument.
The annual Christmas party was an unqualified success. The
highlight, as usual, Everett Moriarty's egg nog.
The $1000 Buddy Sullivan Scholarship was awarded to McIntosh
County student, Jared Caldwell, who has been accepted at the Georgia Institute
of Technology , majoring in Chemical Engineering.
The Bylaws of LAHS were amended establishing the term of
office for each officer for two years beginning with the 2006 elections. The
financial and membership fiscal year were changed from May 1 to January 1. Dues
will be renewable January 1, 2006.
The Society has been served well by our elected officers and
the various committees and their chairmen. Without the loyal and creative
assistance and work of these exceptional members, my job would be impossible to
perform. Thankfully, we have the good fortune of having many gifted and devoted
members who have been willing to provide the necessary leadership to make our
Society the success it it.
I consider it an honor to have been elected President for a
second term of this stellar organization.
Peyton Lingle